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Responsible down

Responsible Down guarantees animal welfare and promotes environmental care on the farms, as well as a progressive and more sustainable use of the land. It ensures that the feathers and the downs used in the padded products derive from geese and ducks raised in compliance with the principles and criteria of animal welfare.

Since 2022, Masai has exclusively worked with suppliers certified according to the Responsible Down Standard. This ensures that the down and feathers we use come from animals that have been treated responsibly.

Styles in responsible down


The goals of the RDS are to protect the animals that supply the down and the land on which they graze. Responsible means that animal welfare is always considered and respected; it also means environmental care on the farms and a progressive, more sustainable use of the land. The animals are guaranteed a healthy life and provided with their essential freedoms, including the freedom to express their normal behaviour, freedom from hunger, thirst, fear and distress, and freedom from pain or discomfort.

The RDS is an independent, voluntary program ensuring that the down and feathers we use comes from certified responsible farms, and that it is properly handled and identified through the entire production process. It provides a universal reference tool for us and the suppliers we work with, committing everyone involved in the making of our products to the same high standards. Ultimately, it allows customers to be confident that what they buy is made in a truly responsible way.